Dyneema |
Dyneema rope has one of the highest strength to weight ratios of the performance fiber ropes available, and can be up to 10X lighter than an equivalent strength steel cable. |
Nylon |
Nylon will be the choice if you need a strong and elastic synthetic fiber that has good abrasion resistance. Nylon is shock absorbing and is used for towing, anchor and dock lines. |
Polyester |
Polyester has superior abrasion resistance which gives exceptional durability for running over pulleys is therefore a popular general-purpose rope in the boating industry. |
Polypropylene |
Poly floats. It has low abrasion resistance and is affected by sunlight. It is an excellent choice for water sports and pool markers. |
Cotton |
Cotton has medium strength and is soft, pliable and easy on the hands. Cotton is used for twines, small cords, clotheslines, starter cords and sash or curtain cord. |
Sisal |
Sisal comes from the leaf of Agava plants and is often used as a substitute for manila. The fibers are stiff and rough with no silky feel and break easily. |
Jute |
Jute is from the Jute plant, is dark in color, very soft, frays easily and is mainly used in crafts.